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Software Raid mdadm

Latest in Software Raid mdadm

Linux Software Raid 1 - Creating a Raid 1 Mirror with mdadm

Ever wanted the benefits of Raid 1 without the cost of extra hardware? As the steps below show, its very simple to create a software raid 1 mirror on linux with mdadm. The system used in this guide is a Centos 7 PC, however mdadm will work the same on any linux flavour.

How to Rename a mdadm Raid Device (quick method)

Sometimes a software raid device may have the wrong name, typically the default /dev/md127. When this happens how do we rename the array back to something useful like /dev/md2 ? STEP#1 Find UUID of Raid Array /dev/md127  

Useful mdadm commands

Some of the most basic commands to manage a Linux Software Raid Array Clear RAID Disk mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sda
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